Santa At The Jordan Life Care Centre

The residents of The Jordan Life Care Centre, in The Glades, N.B. Canada, has been once again visited by Santa. Santas been spreading cheer among the residents for the past 20 years.
Between just you and me, Santa is really Doug Duff of Salisbury, N.B. Doug feels drawn to the seniors of the home, not only because he got to know many of them from working there, but because he has great respect for them.
After Santa put on his street clothes, I had a chance to talk with him. I ask him to share his wish list. Santa told me he'd have to think about it for a day and he'd e-mail it along to me so that I could share it with you
"I was asked to make a wish list for my friends, neighbor's, co-workers, family and just about everybody I know. What an easy task, it should only take a few minutes I thought. I was so wrong.
In this fast paced world that we live in, where time goes by so quick, it doesn't take long to make up a list of nice presents for everyone. To top it off, I will throw in a wish for health, wealth and prosperity and let it go at that. But there must be more.
As Sharon said, for the last 20 years I have had the honor of becoming, at least for a little while, a jolly old man with a white beard and a red suit who passes out treats and maybe a little joy to the residents of a nursing home. When I see these people and their families gathered around at this special time of year I know there is more. I also know that the workers who care for these residents are special people.
So what would be my wish for everyone? Is life all about material needs? I think not!
Looking at the residents and their families I wondered about how much more could have or should have been said if they had the time. Then I realized what my wish would be.
My wish for all would be the same. My wish would be for time.
A time of youthful innocence, as a child, when the man in the red suit brought smiles to their faces and presents under the tree.
A time as a youth, when thoughts are on the future, which they think will never come, as they give and receive gifts.
A time of adulthood, when we make our way through life with it's joys and sorrows and not enough time to get everything done.
A time to enjoy a senior moment, to reflect on all that has happened in their lives, in now what seems like such a very short time.
My wish is that everyone would use their gift of time wisely. Never taking for granted that the things we should do or say today can wait until tomorrow. For time waits for no person. And tomorrow may never come.
And may we who are able to understand, take the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, that with the passing of time we can find that peace we all seek. The peace we seek today began over 2000 years ago with the words, 'Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy.'
This is my Christmas wish to all!"
Thank you Santa for your Christmas wish to all!