A Bright Future For The Town of Riverview
If one were to take the time and look up a few facts from "Statistics Canada" regarding the Town of Riverview, they would be very impressed. Riverview's motto "A Great Place To Grow" is not just a catchy slogan, rather, it is backed up by facts.
Two developers, Romeo Goguen of Wildwood Industries Ltd. and Jeff MacArthur of Pat Mar Holdings are very impressed with the positive attitude of the Riverview Council and staff.
Romeo Goguen who is the developer of Carriage Hill sub division says this about Riverview; "I have been in this business for over 30 years, and never has a project come together so smoothly. The Council members of the Town of Riverview are wonderful to work with, and I can't say enough good things about Brenda Orchard (Director of Corporate Services and Economic Development for the Town of Riverview).
Jeff MacArthur, developer of the Findlay Shopping Center, had this to say; "Having been in Riverview for some time now, we are really excited with the immediate future now more than ever in terms of commercial development in Findlay Park. With the recent opening of the new bridge, which is one of the nicest and classiest I've ever seen, and the planned completion of the roadway linking this bridge to Findlay Boulevard and the causeway, I expect a substantial amount of growth will happen both in residential communities and commercial opportunities. I commend the Town of Riverview and Staff for making a major investment into the infrastructure so as to facilitate and accommodate growth."
Go to www.localintheknow.com for complete quotes from these developers and more.
The Greater Moncton and surrounding area are very proud of the new bridge that was completed late 2005. With every new structure there was an old. Check out the complete article "A Bright Future For The Town of Riverview," and learn some interesting historical facts about the other bridges that once spanned the Petitcodiac River.
Riverview is situated on the south bank of the Petitcodiac River in the southeastern region of New Brunswick, Canada. Across the river is the City of Moncton, referred to as "The Hub of the Maritimes."
The growth of Riverview has been steady. Its humble beginnings began in 1944 with the sale of building lots from once farmlands. On January 1, 1967, Riverviews first Mayor, Harold B. Findley witnessed his small municipality, then called Riverview Heights, receive village status by the Province of N.B. Then in 1973 Riverview became a modern upscale residential area. At this time Riverview Heights, Bridgedale and Gunningsville amalgamated, and became the largest town in the Province of New Brunwick.
In the mid 30' a farming family by the name of Dobson arrived in Riverview Heights area and in 1947 , a son Byron, who was returning veteran, had a vision. He envisioned a European style residential building concept called 'subdivisions'. He launched Dobson Construction and began building "Dobson Homes."
Director of Corporate Services and Economic Development for the town of Riverview, Brenda Orchard said, "The Town of Riverview is building a foundation for future growth and prosperity. The new Gunningsville Bridge was opened on November 19, 2005 and the new East/West Corridor joining the bridge to Findlay Boulevard will be completed in 2007. These infrastructure investments will improve traffic flows and open up new land for residential and commercial development. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, the Town is currently working on a Master Plan for the design. It will be anew commercial node along the Corridor just south of the bridge. While the Town anticipates significant growth in the near future, Riverview Council is steadfast in their commitment to preserving the quality of family life that exists in the Town. We love our community and want to continue to make it a great place to grow!"
Martha Davidson, operates her business, The Quiltery, from Findlay Park. She sees the future of Riverview as all positive, and feels that Riverview has alot to offer small businesses as well as residents alike.
The future of Riverview is onward and upward and their fitting motto 'A Nice Place To Grow' solidifies the fact that Riverview is, and will be, the largest town in the Province of New Brunswick for a very long time to come.
To read the full article go to www.localintheknow.com scroll down to Nearby Communities and click on Riverview, then to the left of this page click on Community Profile.