Message From The President
Some 26 years ago my mother, Ann Brennan, mailed out a survey that invited recipients to “prioritize” their objectives for a soon-to-be-formed provincial writers’ organization.
One of the survey respondents was Alden Nowlan. He returned his completed form with a short note that bore his trademark wit: “Yes, I will become a member,” he wrote. “Any writers’ group that would use the word ‘prioritize’ needs all the help it can get.”
Alden’s reply led to a lively discussion at the next meeting of the group’s founding members. The debate concluded with a typically insightful comment by Nancy Bauer who defended the use of the word ‘prioritize’. “Isn’t that what writers are for,” she asked, “to create new words?”
This is among the stories told about the early beginnings of the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick – a strong, unified voice for New Brunswick’s literary community.
Fast forward to today and WFNB continues to ‘prioritize’ our objectives, (with apologies to strict grammarians) to strengthen our voice, expand the scope of our services and increase the size of our membership. Our priorities are contained in WFNB’s three-year action plan, which was presented by federation director Gerard Beirne at our highly successful AGM in Fredericton in May – attended by 550 people no less!
This document charts a progressive and innovative course for the future of our organization that calls for the formation of regional chapters, the creation of a mentorship program between established and emerging writers and the launch of a corporate fundraising committee. Other initiatives will seek to get more youth involved in the federation, to expand the WFNB website to include member profiles and blogs and to have a full-time executive director.
I am fortunate to be at the helm of WFNB at such an exciting time in the federation’s history. For this, I have to thank many hardworking, forward-looking people, particularly the WFNB board, led by immediate past president Marilyn Lerch and executive director Lee Thompson. Under their leadership, WFNB’s membership has nearly doubled and the organization is in a positive cash position. Our dedicated directors have laid a solid foundation upon which to build an even bigger, better organization going forward.
This year also marks the 25th anniversary of the federation – an occasion we will celebrate at WordsFall on the Miramichi in October. It will be a time to pay tribute to the men and women who recognized the need for an organization that would represent and promote New Brunswick writers, individually and collectively. As the daughter of one of the original board members, it seems like WFNB’s history has come full circle.
When the WFNB was formed 25 years ago, writers like David Adams Richards and Sheree Fitch had just arrived on New Brunswick’s literary scene. They were, as my mother put it, the “kids” in WFNB’s early “ice house gang”. The federation played an influential and inspirational role in their careers, and that of other New Brunswick writers who have made important literary contributions to the province, Canada and indeed, the world.
As president, my goal is to ensure that WFNB remains the foremost source of information and inspiration for writers in New Brunswick, whether or not they write for passion or profit. I am truly honoured and humbled to be taking over the reins of the WFNB and thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I look forward to earning that trust.
Rayanne Brennan
Executive Director’s Report, Lee Thompson
If the past week has been any indication, it’s promising to be a very hot summer. I imagine myself not at the beach, or driving forested back-roads with the windows down (though I will do those things), but in an air-conditioned office, a shiny new computer,
WFNB posters on the walls, and a chatty, but very helpful office assistant at my beck and call. But since air conditioning is bad for the environment, it’s going to have to be a little fan, a cluttered desk, solitude, and my book-filled apartment. Well, at least my computer is new.
There will be no rest for the E.D. this summer, as I’ll soon begin the process of creating member pages for our website (see page 12, or watch your email inbox), helping to plan WordsFall, keeping in touch with membership, and shepherding various committees to productive pastures. There will be many far-reaching effects of our AGM and the Three Year (Action!) Plan, which was put together by board member Gerry Beirne, former treasurer Laurie Glenn Norris, and consultant Gwen Martin, with additional feedback from former president Marilyn Lerch and myself.
For me, the goal is to never write another report lamenting a lack of time/money/personnel.
In the immediate future there will be two changes affecting the membership, one of which involves NB Ink. With the aim being to save time and money (and the environment too), we’ll be going to an electronic version of the newsletter, following the lead of many other arts organisations. Shipping and printing costs are substantial,
as is the time required to stuff and label all those envelopes. We realize that not everyone has email access, so those who wish to receive the newsletter by mail will be able to do so. See our bulletin board on page 3 for further details.
There are of course advantages to an electronic version of the newsletter, including full colour photos, clickable links to the internet, and speed of delivery.
Another change, one that will also affect the membership this year, involves our literary competition. Though we hope to run to competition in some form in 2011, with perhaps the Richards Prize and the Bailey Prize only, diminishing submissions and sizable financial losses have forced our hand. We are rethinking the competition, reconsidering the time of year when we run it, the categories we offer, our advertising approach, and the need for sponsors. The goal is to make it better, more manageable, and, at the very least, a break-even venture.
Another goal of the Three Year (Action!) Plan involves bringing more of the province’s professional writers to the Federation. The question has always been: what can we offer an established writer? Connected to this question is our desire to begin a mentorship program, which would offer funding for established writers while providing invaluable feedback for aspiring writers. Member pages on the website can help established writers with their visibility, since their contact information would be readily available. I often use the members pages at WFNS and WANL to get hold of authors for readings and to find judges for our literary competition.
It’s important to stress that all of the changes are meant to move us forward. We are not a small organisation and, if the trend continues, should have close to 300 members by the end of 2010. We are in good shape financially and we have a vision. Our new president, Rayanne Brennan, has been active in getting the Federation’s name out in press releases and is eager to meet the membership and continue the process of growing a community of writers that her mother, among others, began over 25 years ago.
On another note, I’d like to welcome our new board members, Andy Flanagan,
Corey Redekop and Kate Merlin, and to express my gratitude to everyone who attended and helped organise WordsSpring. Kathy Mac, Carla Gunn, Lynn Davies, Johanna Bertin and Andrew Titus helped make WordsSpring a fantastic event. Also, several STU students manned the book table, spending hours setting up, sitting upright,
smiling, and taking our money. Thanks everyone!
I hope you enjoy the articles and photos in this issue.
And the hot summer. ###
Finding the Reader, Lisa Dalrymple
I came “from away.”
And I admit I was a little nervous at being an outsider – first day at a new school kind of nervous. Not only had I never been to the Maritimes, but I had never been to any kind of writery gathering before either – at least not as one of the writers. So when the customer service rep at Air Miles suggested that, if I was going to a writers’ conference perhaps
I should have a business membership, I laughed and said, “Oh, I’m not really a writer yet.”
And, I confess, I’d been wondering what I was doing by heading out to WordSpring – a conference – where I might even be expected to confer. What could I offer? And what could a conference offer me? I wasn’t a writer, more like a woman who occasionally finds herself writing on the bathroom floor after jumping from the shower with hair still sudsy or who occasionally returns to reality scribbling on the back of a grocery list while buttering toast for kids’ breakfasts.
My fears were dispelled however as, before the readings even began on Friday night, I found myself comfortably seated amidst the writers being genially introduced to each person who entered the room. And there was the most delicious pecan pie!
I also discovered I wasn’t the only person from out-of-province.
Apparently WordSpring attracts writers from far and wide.
The weekend’s agenda was strikingly well arranged and orchestrated. Events were markedly distinct and varied and yet each offered something invaluable to my own literary
journey. The Friday night readings – both the words and their delivery – from Gerry Beirne to Kathy Mac, from Corey Redekop to M. Travis Lane, might have made me feel all the more alien, but instead were welcoming and heartening, such art coming from people who until they took the podium had simply been chatting. And eating pie.
And Sally Armstrong was formidable, demonstrating the practical, human need for written expression while, in a hands-on workshop, Ilkay Silk offered – along with the shredding of some bizarre interpersonal boundaries – strategies for effectively projecting that message to a live audience.
A true highlight of the conference came on Saturday afternoon
when we dissected the novel – along with reptiles, amphibians and pachyderms (oh my!) – in a panel discussion
with Jessica Grant and Carla Gunn. This was followed
by the excitement of Tony Tremblay’s book launch and a fabulous Saturday night banquet and celebration.
Then, on Sunday morning, there was the Ice House. As a writer, I know I should be able to describe this experience,
this awakening, but it’s difficult for me to find words to embody such sharing of creative labour – words and art filling a silent, almost sacred space, a space rife with atmosphere
and history. I do know that I am honoured to have been a part of what transpired there, to have received and to have offered, and to have parted with a memory that will forever be a part of me.
As I flew out of Fredericton, the young woman beside me was scribbling in her journal, trying to hide her words by holding the book under the seat tray in front of her. I slipped a piece I’d been working on from my bag, started re-reading it and sensed the moment when she took notice.
“You’re a writer?” she said and I opened my mouth to deny it, but stopped.
I know I’ll return to New Brunswick for the Frye Festival next April. I also know that, this time, I’ll upgrade my Air Miles card before I fly. ###
Meet Your WFNB Executive and Board of Directors
Kate Merlin, Treasurer. Kate has written for a variety of local, regional and national publications.
She has a BSc in Ecology and Systematics
and an MSc in botany and genetics and enjoys drawing on her background in science in her writing. Her book Trails of Greater Moncton which was published by Goose Lane Editions in 2003. She is the former President of the Moncton
Chapter of PWAC and currently works as a library assistant at Caledonia Regional High School and Hillsborough Elementary
Gerard Beirne of Fredericton is the Federation’s
Three Year Action Plan plan producer. Gerry has worked as writer-in-residence at UNB and is fiction co-editor for The Fiddlehead. Irish-born, he has Canadian writer has won or been shortlisted for many awards, including the Daily Express (UK) Book of the Year (2004). His most recent book is Turtle (Oberon Press 2010)
Corey Redekop was born in Thompson, Manitoba, and has travelled throughout the country. During his treks in the wilderness, he has worked as a disc jockey, tree planter, waiter, lawyer,
and librarian. Currently, he works as the new publicist for Goose Lane Editions.
In the midst of all that soul-searching he found time to write. His novel Shelf Monkey (ECW Press, 2007) was Winner of the Best Popular Fiction Novel, 2008 Independent Book Publisher Awards. http://shelf-monkey.,
Grace Morris lives in Moncton, New Brunswick and serves as WFNB’s secretary; she has also served for a number of years as secretary for Friends of Victoria Park. As Entertainment
Coordinator for Greenwood Lodge Community Centre. for the past 10 years, Grace has developed and promoted literary, musical and other arts events. She has had narrative and biographical articles published in newspapers
and newsletters. Her most recent literary project, Mill Write: Notes From A Small Place, brings together published writers, educators, local poets and storytellers in a rural setting in support of Laubach Literacy NB.
Deborah Carr writes articles specializing in nature, conservation,
travel and people profiles. For corporate
clients she develops web content, marketing material, newsletters, company
profiles and media releases. President of the Moncton Chapter, Professional Writers Association of Canada (PWAC) she encourages others to explore the joys of writing through PWAC-delivered seminars and through her own Nature of Words creative writing workshops. In addition to countless articles in magazines, she has written a company history book for Winegarden
Estates entitled, In Vino Veritas: How an Old German Traditions
Becomes New Brunswick’s Windfall. Her first full-length book, Sanctuary: The Story of Naturalist Mary Majka, will be released by Goose Lane Editions in September 2010. /
Dorinda Glover of Miramichi is a founding member
of the Miramichi Writers’ Group and has successfully
nurtured a strong, effective Federation presence in the Miramichi area. She is a regular contributor to Words on Water, which provides opportunities
for “Miramichiers” to perform stories, poems, and music in public. She has published poetry and short fiction, and is an actor and director
with The Heritage Players’ Group.
Marlene Hull of Saint John, is a retired medical technologist who began writing in connection with her volunteer work. She has produced promotional
videos articles and skits for several clients as well as humour and social justice articles for various New Brunswick media. Marlene released her first novel in October 2008. Her main task for 2009 is to attract new Federation members from southwestern New Brunswick, one of the least represented geographical area of the province.
Andrew Flanagan’s working career focused on business, finance and planning, and he currently is the economic
development officer for the municipality of Belledune. Writing dreadfully boring business
plans and statistical analyses drove him to hobby writing and Andy now writes short stories for various genres, as well as several
manuscripts geared toward juvenile and young readers. He also enjoys writing historical
fiction and true war stories. Formerly Mayor of Belledune (for 12 years), he is president of BREA, the Belledune Regional Environmental Association.
WFNB President Rayanne Brennan has extensive experience in print journalism, corporate communications and government relations.
Her work as a freelance photojournalist has been widely published
and she is editor of The Atlantic Co-operator. Rayanne operates
an independent communications consultancy and editorial services firm – Brennan Communications. A member of Moncton’s Press Club, Chamber of Commerce and Business Professional Women’s organization, Rayanne also draws on her background to support the efforts of various
non-profit organizations in her community, most recently as vice-president of the Moncton Chapter of the Professional Writers Association of Canada and as media relations coordinator for the Frye Festival. She is a Red Cross volunteer and a public information specialist with United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In February,
she volunteered to go on a mission to Nicaragua to provide photography and editorial services to the Canadian Cooperative Association (CCA), including a daily blog. Her volunteer work with the CCA continues.
Mill Write: Notes from a Small Place
Grace Morris
Editor? Graphic Designer? Literary Clairvoyant?
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Reach thousands hundreds of like-minded readers
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Full page: $200
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The editor of course has the right to refuse tasteless, rude, and ungrammatical ads.
Call now 1.506.459.7228, operators standing by.
On Saturday, April 17th, the Greenwood Lodge, located in rural Kent County, hosted its second literary event.
The Greenwood Lodge was constructed in 1979 and is a charming
hewn-log structure. Over the years it has operated under several
groups of volunteers. The most recent group has kept the community center running for the past 10 years by hosting various
events. These events range from dinners, breakfasts, music nights (both local and big name acts) and hall rentals for every occasion from weddings to memorials.
Last year marked its very first literary event with the “Save Al Purdy’s House Poetry Event and Dinner”. Inspired by the success of that night the crew decided
to try something similar. A suggestion
was made to have another fundraiser of some sort and, because it was a literary theme, Laubach Literacy
New Brunswick seemed like the perfect cause.
The afternoon started at 4:00pm with a meet and greet. The guests were treated to wine and conversation
until 5:00 when the roast ham dinner was served. During
this time, guests were entertained with music by Voni Mann of Moncton. At 6:00pm the MC for the evening, Roy Gould, set the stage for the evenings plan. He gave information on the sad state of literacy levels in this province and excerpts from the book Raising Lifelong Learners by Lucy Calkins. He then introduced
the first guest speaker of the evening, Lee Thompson of Moncton, who is Executive Director of the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick. Lee presented information on WFNB and read some of his own work. Following
Lee was Doug Underhill of Newcastle who told some great stories and read some of his own poetry. Peter Sawyer, president of the Moncton Regional
Learning Council, concluded
the first segment. Peter was part of the planning group that established Laubach Literacy
of Canada and was the founding president of Laubach Literacy New Brunswick.
After a short break the evening resumed with Dr. David Weale of Prince Edward Island. David, a retired professor of Canadian and Prince Edward Island history, is an award winning author of 15 books and one of the Island’s best-known storytellers. From the moment David took the stage until he left the entire audience was in stitches. Looking around the room one could see people wiping the tears of laughter from their eyes. He spoke of Island lore and folk history and, although he had everyone laughing, you knew his stories came from love of his Island home.
The last part of the evening focused on the “Open Mic” segment. The first guest was Sherman Fisher of Dundas, then a quick (and mainly unintelligible) recitation by 5-year-old Odin Sanipass of Brown’s Yard, followed by Roy Gould and George Griffin both of Moncton, Marilyn Lerch of Sackville, Frank Augustine
of Burnt Church and Melissa Augustine of Ford’s Mills all read some of their own work. Janet Hammock read from a story she wrote for Breaking the Word Barrier and Deborah Carr read a poem written by Edna Thompson of Bass River when she was about 10 years old and was too shy to read herself. Donna Dealy read a poem written by George Morris of Harcourt who had passed away many years ago and had members of his family who attended in tears. Voni Mann ended the evening with some of her own work.
All in all, it was a wonderful evening for the little community of Ford’s Mills. It was well attended by local people and visitors alike. There was $110 in donations at the door for Laubach Literacy NB and a feeling in the air that we must do it again next year. We welcome any ideas and/or suggestions for our next event and encourage everyone to toss ideas our way by contacting us at ###
Andrew Titus
As our fren-emy Wikipedia states, “The word [lollapalooza] dates from an American idiom from the late 19th / early 20th century meaning ‘one that is extraordinarily impressive;
also, an outstanding example’”, and was revived in 1991 by Jane’s Addiction lead singer Perry Farrell as the name for what would become one of North America’s largest
alternative music festivals. Since then, it has seen a bazillion folks come out during the summer to rock their faces off to some of the world’s heaviest, and arguable weirdest, musical acts to ever emerge from the fringes. In other words, as a cultural display it has become the modern
equivalent to Barnham and Bailey’s Circus and, as such, a milestone in the development of youth who are, thank god, always looking for some reason or other to run away from home.
Alas, as with all things that were once revolutionary, Lollapalooza
has succumbed to the mundane, the acceptable, the commonplace, and as such clearly needed to be replaced
by something much more “extraordinarily impressive”.
Thus step up the poets who, as in all times of quiet conservatism, are handed the mantle of creating the new from the ashes of the old.
And so, wise and phoenix-like Kathy Mac gathered together
the ashes, whispered her incantations over the charred remains of what was once outrageous, and called forth the legions of poets to raze the ground and plant fertile seeds upon the bleached bones of poetic culture. And from her mighty mind came POETPALOOZA!
Were you there? If so, you remember the gathering of the tribes, the tall and the short, the bang and clang, the jazz, the shouting and the snapping of fingers. If not, allow me to elucidate...
The stage was not at all what one would expect: in the Margaret McCain study hall on the St. Thomas University campus one can usually, and quite literally, hear a pin drop as the hordes of students bust their brains to make sense of term papers, exams, and unanswerable questions about the nature of crime, language, and knowledge. The opportunity to raise ours voices there was a dream, like walking through a china shop with both your arms out... For anyone who had ever been there, this beautiful acoustic
space begged to be howled in. From Ryan Griffith’s reading theatre version of his play “Arcturus Line”, to the woven verses of the WolfTree Writers, from Stand and Deliver’s
rock-scious banging on metal plates to the shouting from the balcony, and from WordShop’s roundhouse performances
to the Vagabond Trust’s immaculate deliveries and their raw and often humorous poetry, the new and the established blended together to make something out of nothing, and have the spoken word heard loud and true in this hallowed hall. And as if that wasn’t enough, our extraordinary
jazz band, ‘Epic. Jazzing.’, ensured the sultry and the swing, and so filled the place with the atmosphere of both class and exuberance.
We showered the room with paper airplanes, laughed out loud, and ooo’ed and ahhh’ed as poet after poet balanced on their tight lines and showed that in a world where too often making it big means selling out, there is still a love for the word that will always bring people to gather together in celebration of art at its finest: shared and exchanged free of charge, with the exception of the charge you get from being there.
Were you there? Come run away from home and we’ll see you next year when the circus comes to town. ###
Editirs Note:
This letter appeared in the Moncton Times and Transcript shortly after WordSpring.
Thanks for hospitality
To The Editor:
I’d like to offer a warm public thank you to the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick and the people of Fredericton
for their kind and generous welcome following my first visit to New Brunswick.
I came to meet writers and readers prominent (Sally Armstrong,
Jessica Grant and Carla Gunn) and “emerging” (like me), hear them speak their peace and offer us the encouragement of their own fine examples.
Wandering the UNB campus with my oversized bags (when will I learn how to pack?) I met by chance the lovely
and charming Roxanne Graham, pursuing her studies at the University, who offered me a lift to STU’s MacLeod House, ‘way top of the hill.
This was after the airport concessionaire led me to the CCMTA Annual Meeting’s volunteer drivers for a lift to town from the airport, but before I was made to feel like a “regular” at the Beaverbrook Gallery on my second visit there.
In between, there was the friendliness of Marilyn Lerch, WFNB President, and Lee Thompson, Executive Director, and all the other members who welcomed a visitor like me. I got to shake the hand of David Adams Richards and hear Tony Tremblay read from his new biography of this great Canadian writer, drink in Alden Nowlan House (figuratively, of course), and sample the sights and scents (not to mention the fine coffee and carrot cake) of your farmer’s market.
It was all delightful and I hope to return sometime soon as I hear the swimming and beaches are also really fine.
Beverly Akerman,
Montreal, PQ
Interview with Ray Fraser on his latest book "The Trials of Brother Bell"
How did it come about that “The Trials of Brother Bell” contains two novels in one binding?
Just thought I’d give the reader his money’s worth, two for the price of one. My original idea was to put a handful of short stories with the new (and shorter) novel, REPENTANCE VALE, but because it had a common character in Brother Bell I felt THE STRUGGLE OUTSIDE would make a good companion piece for it. It also gave me a chance to re-issue a slightly revised version of STRUGGLE which had been long out of print.
The second part of the book, “The Struggle Outside”, was originally published in 1975 - did you have any trouble getting permission to republish it?
McGraw-Hill Ryerson declared that book out of print a few years after publication and sent me an official notice saying all rights had reverted to me.
Do you plan on doing this with some of your other out-of-print books?
I’m not planning on it, but I wouldn’t mind if it happened. THE BLACK HORSE TAVERN, THE BANNONBRIDGE MUSICIANS, and BEFORE YOU’RE A STRANGER are all out of print.
What sales pitch would you use to get readers to buy The Trials of Brother Bell?
If they don’t buy it something terrible will happen to them.
To what extent do you mine your own life for stories?
I write quite a bit from experience. This book however is pure invention.
You’ve been publishing for over 40 years, have the challenges of writing changed throughout that time?
Not quite sure what that means. I just know that nothing stays the same, there are always changes of some sort going on.
What would the ideal novel contain?
I don’t think there can be “the ideal” novel. Novels that are very different can be on the same high level and give equal satisfaction.
Members’ Books
Interview with Ray Fraser on his Latest Book
The Trials of Brother Bell
Heart-corroding sex with a tin woodman. The encapsulation of a foundering marriage in the state of a cat on the brink of death, whose health cannot be restored, but still manages to purr. Sharon McCartney’s visceral exploration of relationships — how they begin and end, the tenuous threads that hold people together, and the events that can tear them apart is unstintingly, eyes-wide-open aware. Beginnings, endings, transitions — none elude the sometimes sardonic but always sensitive, sinuous, and frank language of McCartney’s finely wrought poems.
Shedding wilful blindness in favour of life-affirming humour, McCartney pushes language from absolute rawness to moments of intimate retrospection, revealing a delicate tension between anger and calm, past and present, denial and acceptance.
To hear Sharon reading from For and Against, see:
$17.95 Paperback
Goose Lane Editions
Raymond Fraser was born in Chatham NB and now lives in Fredericton. He is the author of more than a dozen books. For more information see:
The Trails of Brother Bell is published by Lion’s Head Press and is available a local bookstores.
What, if anything, are you working on now?
I’m taking an extended break, something I haven’t done for quite a while, and gathering energy (at least I hope so) to put the finishing touches on a novel I’ve already spent over four years working on. I plan to get at it in the fall. ###
For and Against
Poetry by Sharon McCartney
Fundy: Hidden Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast
Robert J. Cunningham
with Margaret Patrica Eaton
Cunningham explores the importance of Fundy as a trade route during the “Golden Age of Sail”, revealing how Fundy grindstones and the production of kerosene from bituminous asphalt coal discovered in Albert County, N. B. by Dr. A. Gesner, fueled industrialization in the United States and how Fundy- built wooden ships braved the dangers of the sea to cross the Atlantic.
For more information contact
Rosi Jory has produced and currently on display her PICTO-CODED ENGLISH GRAMMAR with colourful shapes sticking out upstairs in the ‘Beyond Words, Volume II’ Library Exhibit of the Saint John Arts Centre. Everybody welcome!
WFNB member Laurie Glenn Norris recently signed a contract with Nimbus Publishing for her second book, whose working title is Behind the Great Amherst Mystery: The Life and Times of Esther Cox. The book is slated to be published in the Spring of 2012. Her best friend Barbara Thompson from Bridgewater, NS, is the researcher on the project
Joe Blades was elected President of the League of Canadian Poets at their AGM in Toronto. Joe Blades gave a series of poetry readings and presentations in Central Europe, in April–May 2010, including at a Canadian Studies conference in Baia Mare, Romania; at the National Library for Foreign Literature in Budapest, Hungary; at the University of Kragujevac and the American Corner Kragujevac in Serbia; at the University of Banja Luka, Republika Srpska; and with the Sarajevo Poetry Days festival in Sarajevo and Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to several newspaper and television interviews and articles, translations of several of his poems have been published or ar forthcoming in journals in Mostar and Sarajevo. Side-by-Side Editions / Éditions Côte-à-Côte, Fredericton’s newest literary publisher, released its first publication on 3 April at a League of Canadian Poets’ National Poetry Month-sponsored reading on the Fredericton Walking Bridge. The reading and trilingual poetry chapbook, Fredericton Green–verte, featured Joe Blades, Herménégilde Chiasson, Jo-Anne Elder, M. Travis Lane, and Nela Rio.
Doug Underhill signed a contract with Gooselane to do a book on fly-fishing for Atlantic Salmon in New Brunswick.
Beverly Akerman’s monologue “’Chelle” has been selected for presentation at Sarasvàti Productions’ FemFest 2010: On the Edge (September 25th to October 2nd) at Winnipeg’s Canwest Centre for Theatre and Film. Also, she is one of the finalists named to the short list for The Eric Hoffer Award for short prose. From over 2,000 entries, her story, “Sea of Tranquility,” is among the 16 finalists that will be published in Best New Writing 2011, slated for October release by Hopewell Publications, LLC. The short prose Award, named in honour of the late American social writer and philosopher, includes a $500 prize, and is one of several created to highlight outstanding writing worthy of wider recognition.
Jean-Frances had two publications in Bread and Molasses this year: January February: 3 poems and painted images “Thoughts by the River”; March April:”Following Grandmother Morehouse”, a short article about discovering connections to her grandmother Morehouse when taking the back roads to Fredericton on a Sunday afternoon.
Margaret Eaton’s article “35 Years and Counting” featuring Westminster Books, Atlantic Canada’s oldest independent bookstore, was published in Atlantic Books Today, Spring 2010.
Calling All Artists!
ArtsLink NB is building a network of artists from all around New Brunswick. Writers, musicians painters, dancers- all artists are welcome to join this new organization and membership is free right now. You can sign up easily at or call Sandy at 506-977-1278 for more information.
ArtsLink NB is working over the summer to help educate politicians about the importance of increasing support for the arts community. We will suggest that politicians begin to consider the Arts and Culture sector as an important industry- there are more Canadians working in the Arts and Culture Sector than in Oil and Gas, Agriculture, fisheries
and ultilies combined- over 1.1 million canadians work in this sector!
By joining your voice to ArtsLink NB, you are joining the 300 individual members and organizations like the Writer's Federation of NB, Performing Arts NB, Music NB, galleries,
dance companies and other arts institutions. Add your voice to ArtsLink NB.
Would you like to get involved in helping to educate politicians
in your riding? Drop ArtsLink NB a line and we'll hook you up with the local candidates and the ArtsLink NB messages.
NL Publisher Breakwater Books Survives Fire
As a result of a fire occurring in the premises adjacent to Breakwater
on June 12, our location at 100 Water Street is closed. We expect to announce a temporary location in the coming days. All employees can be reached at their regular e-mail addresses. To reach Breakwater by phone please call 709-722-6680 and your call will be directed to one of our employees.
Direct order fulfillment will resume once our temporary office is secured. In the meantime books are available for purchase through Downhome Distribution and at bookstores nationwide.
Downhome Distribution
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For more information please contact Breakwater:
(709) 722-6680
Markets & Contests
Theatre New Brunswick is pleased to introduce TNB New Voices, an exciting province-wide call for short plays. Submissions will be considered for production as a Main Stage Opening Act! Part of Theatre New Brunswick’s mission is to create extraordinary theatre while celebrating New Brunswick’s best theatre artists. TNB New Voices offers New Brunswick playwrights the opportunity to have New Brunswick plays professionally produced. Each play should be written for 2-4 actors, be 10-12 minutes in length, and be inspired by a true New Brunswick story.
NL-based publisher UNDERTOW PRESS Are now considering full-length manuscript proposals in the genres of Literary Fiction, Poetry and Creative Non-Fiction. Feel free to visit for more information.
THE BEACON SOCIAL JUSTICE LITERARY SOCIETY is launching a new award for an unpublished novel, The Beacon Award for Social Justice Literature. The purpose of the award is “to stimulate the creation, publication and dissemination of new works of fiction designed to ignite readers’ passion for and understanding of social justice.” The entry deadline is February 1, 2011. Ten finalists will be announced on May 1 and their manuscripts given to a jury of three distinguished writers, critics and teachers involved in social justice literature. The jury’s selection will be announced in October, 2011. The prize is $1000 and publication by Roseway Publishing in the fall of 2012. The Society particularly wants to encourage writers from marginalized groups. Writers wishing to enter a manuscript can get the submission form and more information by emailing the Society at Website is:
THE MALAHAT REVIEW OPEN SEASON AWARDS, Deadline: November 1, 2010. $1000 Prize in each of three categories Submit work in any of our three marquee genres: poetry, short fiction, or creative non-fiction. Poetry: up to three poems per entry (max. 100 lines each); Short Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: one piece (max 2500 words). Fees: $35 For more information: Enquiries:
RIDDLE FENCE is currently accepting submissions for its seventh issue. We are considering previously unpublished submissions of fiction, creative non-fiction, and for the first time, artwork. Please note: We are not accepting unsolicited submissions of poetry for this issue; we will resume accepting poetry when we place our call for submissions for issue eight. Please send no more than 1 piece of prose (max. 5,000 words) OR 3 pieces of artwork. Payment is $30 per printed page of text and $30 per image (plus a copy of the issue in which your work appears) for first Canadian serial rights. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2010. E-mail submissions can be sent to the genre appropriate email address below. Please submit text as Word or Rich Text Format attachments and include it in the body of your email; please send images as JPEGs (minimum 300 dpi):;; Submissions may also be made by regular post (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope or sufficient IRC postage in the case of submissions from outside Canada): Riddle Fence, PO Box 7092, St. John’s, NL, A1E 3Y3. For information, contact
THE CAPE BRETON STAGE COMPANY welcomes submissions from playwrights with any level of experience. Original, preferably unproduced, scripts by Atlantic Canadian playwrights. We will consider plays with any tone or subject matter. We tend to favour plays with small casts and straightforward production requirements. You may submit a script in progress, but do not send proposals, summaries, or excerpts; we require a complete draft to evaluate your submission properly. As a co-operative, we exercise collective artistic input with all our projects. Playwrights should bear this artistic spirit in mind, and should be open to having CBSC artists contribute to script development after their plays have been selected for production, although playwrights will retain final authority over their scripts. Submissions may be emailed (Word or PDF format preferred) to Please include “Script Search” in your email’s subject heading.You may also mail your script to the following address. If you want your script returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Cape Breton Stage Company, 142 Cabot Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 4E1. Please include your contact info, along with a brief bio (100 words) If your script is still in progress, you may also include a description of your plans for future development.
THE INTERNATIONAL 3-DAY NOVEL CONTEST: September 4-6. The goal: write a complete novel in only 72 hours. The reward: a heck of a creative experience and one coffee-stained, tear-tinged, rule-breaking first draft. And for the winning author, publication. (Plus a 2nd Prize of $500 and a 3rd Prize of $100.) Born in Canada in 1977, it has since become a notorious rite-of-passage for writers everywhere. Every Labour Day weekend; Fee: $50; Pre-register at
CV2 ANNOUNCES THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY POETRY CONTEST. To celebrate this remarkable anniversary, we have created the 35th Anniversary Poetry Contest. 1st Prize: $500.00 + paid publication; 2nd Prize: $300.00 + paid publication; 3rd Prize: $150.00 + paid publication. Two honourable mentions will receive paid publication. Entry fee of $24.00 per entry. Each entry may contain up to 4 poems and includes a 1-year subscription, renewal or gift subscription to CV2. The catch is that each poem must incorporate “35” somehow or somewhere in the submission. It could be that a poem is 35 lines or 35 stanzas or it could be that the number “35” is literally written out in the poem or title. If the use of “35” is not immediately obvious (ie: each line is thirty-five words in length) please include a note in the entry explaining how you have used the requisite number. Although we will award no extra points for being tricky, we are definitely open to innovation. Entry fees can be paid by cheque, money order or credit card online through PayPal. The fee is $24.00 per entry and includes a 1 year subscription to CV2. Deadline: November 1, 2010. Judging is blind so include complete contact information on a separate sheet of paper: name, address, phone number and email address if you have one. Poems may not exceed 100 lines. Manuscripts must be typed on 8.5 X 11 sheets of paper; for multi-page poems, include title and page number on each page. Please do not staple entries, use a paper clip instead.Only paper submissions by post will be accepted. Entries will not be returned, but if you wish to be informed of the results please include a SASE or current email address. You may enter as often as you like, though only your first two entries will be eligible for subscriptions. Winning selections will be published in CV2 volume 33 no. 3, Winter 2011. Each piece must be original, unpublished and not sent elsewhere for publication or broadcast. Any piece found to have been simultaneously submitted to, or published by any means of publication including on the World Wide Web, broadcast, or another contest will be immediately disqualified.
THE CBC LITERARY AWARDS Competition is now open. Categories include creative non-fiction (2000-2500 words), poetry (1000-2000 words), and short fiction (2000-2500 words). The compeitition’s deadline is November 1, 2010. Entry Fee is $25. All work can be submitted by either email (through their online registration form) or by regular post. See:
Their online registration form can be found at:
Extensive Rules and Regulations can be found at:
For more markets, see
Fiction Contest Renewed
Building on the success of its initial contest last year, Enfield & Wizenty is once again offering a $5,000 advance for best novel or short story collection by a Canadian author. Last year’s winner,
Michelle Berry, will see her novel This Book Will Not Save Your Life released this September alongside two new titles by contest finalists Richard Cumyn and Jeff Bursey. E & W will be assessing fiction submissions from now until December 1, 2010. For further information visit Please submit sample and query letter to:
Enfield & Wizenty
Maurice Mierau, Associate Editor
345-955 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0P9
OR by email to
Writers’ Trust of Canada is now accepting applications for the BERTON HOUSE WRITERS’ RETREAT program. Four residency
positions are available covering the period between July 2011 and June 2012. Each residency lasts three months. Writers-
in-residence are housed in Pierre Berton’s childhood home in Dawson City, Yukon. They receive a $6,000 honorarium and their housing and travel costs are covered. The residency provides a unique opportunity for writers to advance their writing careers.
Further information about Berton House and the program, including
application forms, is available at
Genuine, no fee competition for unpublished authors. One winner every month for twelve months. A different genre every month. A contract and royalties for each winner. Full promotion and marketing
of winning books.
Entry form and full details on website, or
ANSWERING THE CALL VII retreat is coming up October 22, 23 and 24, 2010 at the Villa Madonna in Renforth. The cost is $168.00 which includes room and board. It’s an opportunity to get away from the interruptions of everyday life to dig into a body of creative work or dream up a new one. There are no scheduled workshops, no meals to cook, no obligations to fulfill; in short, no excuses not to write! See for more info or contact Kathy-Diane Leveille at
The Malahat ReviewCreative Non-Fiction Prize 2010 Be Creative,Yet Real!Canada’s premier literary magazine,invites entries from everywhere to itscreative non-fiction contest. Take achance and write from both sides ofyour brain. Submit a personal essay, amemoir, literary journalism, orsomething so cutting edge no one’sthought of it yet.Prize: $1000Deadline: August 1, 2010For complete guidelines go to: malahatreview.caInquiries:malahat@uvic.caThe Malahat ReviewDefining excellent writing since 1967
For the latest in the Atlantic Canadian Literary Scene, check out
WFNB offers manuscript evaluation service to our membership. When contacted, we will attempt to connect the writer seeking evaluation with an appropriate professional writer within our database.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, WFNB sets aside funds for this program. Once the funds are spent we will not be able to match funds (though we will still help match up writer and evaluator).
Here are some of the programs basic rules:
* Provided there is sufficient funding, WFNB agrees to match funds, up to $200, that the writer will pay the evaluator.
The writer must be a WFNB member whose dues are paid. In cases of financial difficulty, WFNB may choose to waive the writer’s requirement of providing funds and will still provide up to $200. However, since this is less compensation for the evaluator, fewer services may be provided.
* Evaluators will be chosen from professional writers who are members of the WFNB’s compiled list.
* Both the writer and the evaluator must sign forms stating that work was presented and critiqued upon.
* The evaluator may choose not to continue with the project, but will not receive funding via WFNB.
* All travel costs and postage costs are the responsibility of the two parties involved, not of the WFNB.
For more information, contact executive director Lee Thompson.
We will be adding member pages to our website as soon as time allows. Each page will feature a photo (if provided),
a short biography, interests, publications and contact information. Forms will go out soon by email (or by post for those without email).
Not a member of the WFNB? Check out to see what we can offer you!