90 Years of Counting His Blessings

Everett Albert Steeves, of Hillside, near Elgin, N.B., will be counting his blessings for his 90th year on September 18, with his wife, Anna, daughter Diane, son’s Randy and Terry and all his many family and friends at an open house from 1 - 5 in the Elgin Community Center (Fire Hall).
Everett was born in Meadow (now Hillside) in 1920. Everett was the third child of parents Trenholm and Janice (Bannister). Everett’s siblings are: Roy, Clarence, Kenny of Petitcodiac, Ruby of Forest Hill, Elizabeth, Mona and Alberta of Magnetic Hill.
Everett didn’t go far from home to find the love of his life, Anna Milton, who just lived in the road in Hillside. Everett and Anna were married on March 19th. 1955 and raised four children: Larry, Randy of Elgin, Terry who lives in Alberta and daughter, Diane, who resides in Sussex.
Those who know Everett well know how much he enjoys music and dancing. Anna tells the story of one morning, not that long ago, while trying to sleep in awhile, she could hear the music playing. But there was a different sound that caused her to wonder what on earth was going on downstairs. She could hear this thump, thump, thumping sound, which caused her to get up and go down to investigate. When she looked into the kitchen there was Everett step dancing to the beat of the music.
One could classify Everett as A-Jack-of-All-Trades. He has made his living logging, farming and driving heavy equipment for the DOT. For the past 30 years he has lovingly cared for the cemetery at the Hillside Baptist Church. He shows no sign of setting back in the rocking chair; his neighbors count on him to keep the snow plowed out of their driveways.
One of Everett’s favorite things is gardening; he keeps Anna busy pickling, preserving and making jam from the bounty of his labor. On Father’s Day 2005 Everett looked out the window and couldn’t believe his eyes. There coming down the road was a brand new sugar camp, and even more surprised when the driver maneuvered it onto the spot where his old camp had once stood. His children were the instigators of his new camp. He’s quite at home in the spring of the year in his new little sugar camp gathering, boiling, stirring and sharing with his many friends and family, and the grandchildren he loves so dearly.
As people of the area gather at the different dancing get-togethers, and the music starts and toes start tapping, it’s nothing out of the ordinary to find Everett the first on the dance floor. A partner is no problem to find, but as the music slows he gathers Anna close and sachets her around the dance floor. A pleasure for all to watch.
Some of Everett’s fondest memories are the time his brother-in-law, Angus, flew him & Anna and his wife Elda to Massachusetts and New Hampshire in his four-seater plane. Going out west to attend his son Terry’s wedding was a treat and taking in the celebration of Expo 67.
Everett has enjoyed his life in Hillside and has no intention of ever leaving, besides he’s too busy enjoying his many friends and family, especially when they drop in for a visit, good conversation, fine hospitality and a great game of cards.
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