Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Atlantic Author Day Coming Soon

(Halifax, NS) Atlantic Author Day Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You!

On Saturday, June 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. more than 40 Atlantic Canadian writers will be signing books at participating stores across the region. Come out and meet your favourite storytellers and pick up some great books for summer reading!

Presented by Atlantic Books Today/Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association (APMA), Atlantic Author Day features writers included in this year's Summer Reading Guide, available at all book retailers in Atlantic Canada. APMA Executive Director Peggy Walt commented, "Atlantic Author Day is a time to celebrate our home-grown authors. By joining the celebrations at your local bookstore, you will be supporting our local book community."

There are 124 featured books in this year's Summer Reading Guide, representing 28 different Canadian publishers. The books range from fiction, cookbooks, kids', mystery, history, guidebooks, art and the list goes on - something for every reader's summer enjoyment. This year's promotion once again features a chance to win a beautiful basket of books - fill out a ballot from the Guide at your local bookstore and you could win. The contest closes Friday, September 10 and one basket will be awarded per province.

For more information and times and locations of author signing, please visit and click on the links for Nova Scotia or the PEI, New Brunswick and Newfoundland link. The website serves as a hub for publishing and books in Atlantic Canada. You can also check out Atlantic Books Today on Facebook and Twitter.

Please note that all schedules are subject to change and will be updated until June 26.

For Broadcast Use:

Celebrate Atlantic Author Day in your community - this free event is taking place in bookstores across the region on Saturday, June 26 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Come out and meet your favorite authors! For a complete schedule of author signings in your community, go to and click on the links for Nova Scotia or the PEI/New Brunswick/Newfoundland link. Pick up your free copy of the Summer Reading Guide in your local bookstore and enter a contest to win a beautiful basket of books!

For more information/interviews: Heidi Hallett (902) 488-5872

Peggy Walt
Cultural Affairs Consulting & Promotion
1240 Edward Street
Halifax, NS Canada B3H 3H4
Telephone/Fax: (902) 422-5403
Cell: (902) 476-1096
Music Nova Scotia nominee 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009: Publicist of the Year