Friday, January 06, 2006

Salisbury - My Latest Painting

SHEPODY MOUNTAIN Painted by: Sharon A. Layton-Pollock

Several years ago I drove across the Shepody March. I entered at the Harvey Dam, off the Mary's Point Road, and exited at Hopewell Hill, N.B. Canada. This road is used by local farmers to get their hay crops from the march land to their barns. All the views from this road are, to say the least, awesome.

Of coarse I had my camera with me, for that was my mission, to photograph a scene for future painting. I call my painting "Shepody Mountain." The village in the background is Hopewell Hill. But, I must admit the Redwinged Blackbird was not in the photograph, rather in my imagination, and now in my painting. I finished this painting January 2006.

The painting is in acrylic, on canvas board and is 12" X 16". I have yet to post it to my web site, but will shortly. If you would like to view other paintings I have done, and again they are painted from photographes I have taken, visit my web site at

Do enjoy!